
The purpose of this page is to allow you to explore opportunities and issues by different levels of your site directories.

<aside> 💡 We have found that this page provides value mainly for websites that have multiple levels of directories.

If your website has a flat architecture, this page will not provide a lot of value for you.


Video Walkthrough of Site Structure Insights


Site Structure Insights User Guide

This page of the report provides information about traffic and visibility based on directories and subdirectories on the site, which can be helpful to get a sense of how the structure of the website is performing.

Filters Available in Site Structure Insights

The following filters are available on the page, and can be combined with one another to provide more granular information:

Directory Filtering

By clicking on one of the directories, the URL and query information will update to include only data which is pertinent to pages within this directory.

For example, if a company website includes a blog, most webmasters would include ".../blog/..." as the directory in which the individual article pages are contained. In this example, the filter-able directory would be "blog", and the URL and Query data shown in the other two tables would update to include blog pages and queries for blog pages, only.

After selecting a directory to explore, other filters can be layered on to gain even more insight related to that subdivision of content on the website.

Additionally, clicking on any URL will open the page at that destination, which allows for quickly comparing search query data against the contents of the page.