This page is here to help you troubleshoot whether the issue with Postamatic lies with the way your business is entered into Google My Business.

Diagnose Steps

  1. Open up Google My Business Locations tab

    1. are there suspended / duplicate locations inside your account? If so Postamatic won't work.
  2. If you have a single location that fails, find it inside your GMB and click on the location

  3. On next screen, look at the location in the top left corner of the screen.

  4. Good Location:


  1. Bad Location


BAD Locations that won't work has a double comma anywhere in the address like in the screenshot above.

Misplaced Suite details: Other issues include addresses that have suite Numbers in the Address 1 field and not in the Address2 field.

Steps to fix

  1. Click the location's Info tab in left hand navigation
  2. Edit the location's address following these Google My Business Guidelines.