
This page will teach you how to identify the causes of performance changes on a Google Search Console property.

Once you have the start and end dates selected in your date picker, you’ll be able to drill down from directory, to page to query in order to see what drives the changes on your website.

Let’s go through it Step by Step.


The Workflow

1. Go to Change Explorer page.

Look at the date range that’s of interest to you. You’ll want to look for periods of change as indicated by periods of steeper changes changes in the time series line.

Focus on BIG changes.


You’ll then write down the start and end dates for when the change happened.

2. Click on Beginning of period of a Change

Write down the date for the beginning of the change period.


3. Click on the end of the period of Change.


4. Change the date range to include just the period of time for the change.


5. Change the date picker Start Date from Today > Fixed
